On Wednesday, December 01, 2010 10:57:40 pm Mark Andrews wrote:
> And there would have been total confusion if there had been multiple
> uunet's and a few other well known nodes.  UUCP had anchor points.
> Just different ones to the DNS.

Yeah, and with virtually everyone's bangpaths starting with uunet or one of 
those other anchors (I seem to rememer bangpaths starting at kremvax, but 
perhaps I'm senile...), it's still a hierarchy.

I had a site in the maps years ago, and even had 'registered' a pseudo '.uucp' 
domain.... remember those?

That said, it did work pretty well.  SMTP and direct MX was supposed to make 
all that go away, and now we're talking about it again.  Do I need to go back 
to using smail 2.5 to do mail routing? :-)  Web browsing using uucico was 
rather, uh, interesting (but doable, thanks to the virtually text-only web at 
the time, and that assumed the target node/server was online at that time).  
Not really scalable to broadband, as part of the blockability issue is IP and 
IP routing hijackability (to coin a contrived phrase).  It was a different 
world, especially on the user side.

If you had multiple dialin accounts under the uucp system you could very easily 
bypass many blocks simply using dialup; but dialup is just too slow for today's 

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