On Dec 1, 2010, at 3:38 PM, Derek J. Balling wrote:

> On Nov 29, 2010, at 11:20 PM, Leo Bicknell wrote:
>> Broadband in the US is not in that boat.  Too many consumers have
>> a "choice" of a single provider.  The vast majority of the rest
>> have the "choice" of two providers. 
> I dunno. I've lived in areas where I had two dozen local providers vying for 
> my last-mile residential connectivity business. Perhaps this is something for 
> you to bring up with your local municipality, tell them to stop strangling 
> the businesses that want to offer service to their residents.

I live in an area without two dozen local providers that offer services to my 

Neither T nor CMCSA offer service at my address nor will they even return calls 
about price quotes to build.  The local municipalities were uninterested as 
well, including putting pressure on the local utilities (T/CMCSA) that have 
major offices/callcenters located in the township.

Ultimately I managed to work something out and get service, but for those on 
the "edge" areas, its much harder than you would think to gain access.  I 
suspect there will be ongoing property devaluation as a consequence of lack of 
these utilities..

- Jared

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