> > That's what I'm hearing. Cogent refuses to peer with HE via IPv6. > > So cogent IPv6 Customers currently can not hit things at HE. And they can't > > do anything about it. Besides 6to4 tunneling and BGP peering with HE (or > > native, If they can). > > A few weeks ago I compared what cogent sees compared to a tata+highwinds > feed. > > http://blog.snijders-it.nl/2010/10/cogent-as174-does-not-have-full-ipv6.html > > They are missing roughly 1000 prefixes.
As long as we are in public "naming and shaming" mode, it should be noted that Cogent is not alone. We have an IPv4/IPv6 transit from Level3, and they don't have the HE prefixes either. Our two other IPv4/IPv6 transits seem to have no problem supplying us with a full IPv6 routing table. Steinar Haug, Nethelp consulting, sth...@nethelp.no