IPPlan does this fairly well for ipv4 space,  and they have recently added ipv6.


On Nov 17, 2010, at 12:22 PM, chip wrote:

> There's been lots of discussion on how we should allocate space to various
> bits of the network.  What I haven't yet seen is how people are tracking
> these allocations.  Is everyone using one of the two or three commercial
> applications or some OSS solution or a few large(ish) text files?  Anyone
> have any recommendations or feedback?
> Thanks!
> --chip
> --
> Just my $.02, your mileage may vary,  batteries not included, etc....

Gregory Whynott
Network Operations

Ontario Institute for Cancer Research
MaRS Centre, South Tower
101 College Street, Suite 800
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5G 0A3
Tel: 647-294-2813


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