On Sun, Nov 14, 2010 at 11:32:10AM -0600, Richard A Steenbergen wrote: > On Sun, Nov 14, 2010 at 08:59:33AM +0000, Paolo Lucente wrote: > > On Sat, Nov 13, 2010 at 09:17:55PM -0600, Richard A Steenbergen wrote: > > > > Remember that every RIB in your network can and will have a unique best > path selection (thanks to the EBGP > IBGP rule if nothing else), and if > you have a network of any size at all you'll probably have to deal with > multiple exits to the same network. Even if you were only concerned with > analyzing external traffic, you'd still need to collect a RIB per edge > router using an IBGP feed.
Agree. > In my network this would put you well over 10 million paths, and consume > several gigs of ram, not to mention the load of doing the routing lookups > themselves. If the collector is able to keep up with the pace of the export protocol, it will not get killed by a couple of BGP lookups per flow/sample. About the memory figure: reducing information overlap among the RIBs results in storing a full BGP table in few tens of MBs. On 10M paths that translates in less than a GB of memory. > analysis inside your network you'd need a feed from every router, and > maybe even active participation in your IGP. This is separate thing. Relying only on telemetry information for such a task is one of the possible approaches - perhaps the quicker, if enabled ad-hoc for troubleshooting, but not necessarily the smarter. > It CAN be done, but it's not pretty, and I don't think any existing free > software has been tested under these kinds of conditions. Define pretty: is it pretty to move control-plane information over and over via NetFlow or sFlow? But most importantly: why passing the concept challenging conditions is something free software should be run far away from? > So when a vendor says "we support sFlow", make sure they actually > support the message types and fields you need. :) Indeed, agree. Cheers, Paolo