On 11/9/2010 3:01 AM, Mark Smith wrote:
Firstly, is your customer base primarily residential or is it
SOHO/SME business (or something else entirely) ?

At that level, the customers are those of a traditional rural ILEC, which means all of the above.

Secondly, would I be right if I assume that you pre-allocate and
pre-configure the Q-in-Q id's per customer? Or are they some how
dynamically allocated or configured (maybe just on the BRAS, not on
the DSLAM), and reported via something like RADIUS? Something like the
latter (if it exists) would make it easier to handle residential
style/size customer bases.

Good old script, c&p for all dslams/ports into the router. I manage the router while telco manages the dslam, so I am usually configured well before they are. IOS is extremely limited, though Cisco has mentioned more dynamic profiles in the ASR line.

With my current Cisco setup, I'm screwed. The ASR w/ XE software has better support for radius backend. Juniper also has support for radius backends for their DHCP implementation. Both of course could do proxy, but I dislike the methodology. My rule is that the router should answer even if the pop is isolated, so when I do shift to radius, I will only accept an implementation that supports a default profile for when the radius servers are unreachable. This assists in troubleshooting and for pops that have local servers, it allows redirection for customer notification when there is an outage.

I've a long standing of using 7200s with IOS, but it is lacking a lot of support which Cisco is only putting in the ASR. I'm also considering switching to a non-cisco solution. It's just a matter of finding something that will do exactly what I want. Many of these ILECs are single router setups, so replacing the 7200 or putting something beside it requires a lot of capability and flexibility (mpls, v6, rsvp-te, is-is, BGP, and the BRAS functionality).


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