Subject: RE: RINA - scott whaps at the nanog hornets nest :-) Date: Sat, Nov 
06, 2010 at 08:38:33PM -0700 Quoting George Bonser (

> No wonder there is still so much transport
> using SONET.  Using Ethernet reduces your effective performance over
> long distance paths.

The only reason to use (10)GE for transmission in WAN is the completely
baroque price difference in interface pricing. With todays line rates,
the components and complexity of a line card are pretty much equal
between SDH and GE. There is no reason to overcharge for the better
interface except because they (all vendors do this) can.

We've just ordered a new WAN to be built, and we're going with GE over
(mostly) WDM because the interface prices are like six times higher per
megabit for SDH. (which would have cost roughly equally per line given
that it is quite OK to run SDH without the SDH equipment, just using

Oh, s/SDH/SONET/ on above, but I'm in Europe, so..
Måns Nilsson     primary/secondary/besserwisser/machina
MN-1334-RIPE                             +46 705 989668
If I am elected, the concrete barriers around the WHITE HOUSE will be
replaced by tasteful foam replicas of ANN MARGARET!

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