On Sat, Nov 6, 2010 at 1:22 PM, George Bonser <gbon...@seven.com> wrote:
>> >
>> > Last week I asked the operator of fairly major public peering points
>> if they supported anything larger than 1500 MTU.  The answer was "no".
>> >
>> There's still a metric buttload of SONET interfaces in the core that
>> won't go above 4470.
>> So, you might conceivably get 4k MTU at some point in the future, but
>> it's really, *really* unlikely you'll get to 9k MTU any time in the
>> next
>> decade.
>> Matt
> There is no reason why we are still using 1500 byte MTUs at exchange points.

Completely agree with you on that point.  I'd love to see Equinix, AMSIX, LINX,
DECIX, and the rest of the large exchange points put out statements indicating
their ability to transparently support jumbo frames through their
fabrics, or at
least indicate a roadmap and a timeline to when they think they'll be able to
support jumbo frames throughout the switch fabrics.


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