What can I say... awesome... :-) You should definitely send some pictures,
if you can upload them via thicknet :-)

On Wed, Nov 3, 2010 at 3:54 PM, Lamar Owen <lo...@pari.edu> wrote:

> On Tuesday, November 02, 2010 04:55:02 pm Michael Sokolov wrote:
> > Carlos Martinez-Cagnazzo <carlosm3...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > > Not only token ring. I know of some coaxial ethernets that were running
> as
> > > late as 2007.
> > The network I am using to compose and post this message right now is a
> > coaxial Ethernet.
> Oh man....
> I still have some 10Base-5 segments in production.  At least I'm using a
> 7507 with an AUI Ethernet interface processor to drive them, now, instead of
> the three Proteon P4200's (software to P5600, with IP, EGP, RIP, OSPF, XNS,
> DNA, X.25, etc) that were used prior.  The three P4200's hooked up to each
> other with ProNET-80 over fiber (using the P3280 counterrotating ring unit).
>  Kindof cool to have floppies with the JNC copyright on them....software
> release R8.1, 02/06/91.  Last time I checked, two of the P4200's still
> booted up.  2MB of RAM with a 68020 at 16MHz.  Sounds like a Cisco AGS.
> The fiber portion is now 1000Base-SX and LX,  but rather than rewire some
> areas, we just pop some older switches with AUI 'uplinks' and use the
> thicknet, which still runs well (as well as thicknet can) after all these
> years.  Some of the areas the thicknet traverses would be a difficult
> rewire, thanks to 'right-sized' conduit and vampire taps.  And if it ain't
> broke.....
> ProNet-80.....TokenRing on steroids.  Worked better than the IBM 8220
> TR-Fiber boxes, even using the old mini-BNC connectors.

Carlos M. Martinez-Cagnazzo

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