if you can live with the rather small mtu :P
On Tue, 2 Nov 2010, Patrick W. Gilmore wrote:
X.25 is very useful for non TCP applications, especially in places where the
infrastructure is less-than-modern.
X.25 used as a layer 2 transport (even though it is not technically a L2
protocol, but then neither is ATM) is useful because it has error checking.
On Nov 2, 2010, at 4:34 PM, Julio Arruda wrote:
There used to be quite substantial usage of X.25 in Brazil, for a lot longer
than usual, for POS transactions. x.28 in fact, that would be PAD to X.25, may
still be the case ? (RENPAC and 3028 come to mind)
The management of some Nortel GSM devices also could be done over X.25,
usually, it would be backhauled over XOT (or in this case, the Nortel
equivalent) to the management station, from the devices (I'm happy to say, I
don't remember if from the BSCs, or BTSs).
Of course, QLLC and running QLLC to LLC (token ring) devices, was the cherry on
top..SNA on top of X.25, converting to token ring SNA..
Somehow, I can't get rid of the nightmares and the waking in the middle of the
night, thinking about LAPB, and Clear codes and etc., LUs and PUs...the
horror...the horror..
On Nov 2, 2010, at 3:59 PM, Sven Olaf Kamphuis wrote:
doesn't most of SMS (the crap on GSM's) also run on x.25?
i recall some customer of mine talking X.25 to a telco to get their messages to
the phones anyway.
same for one of our banks not so very long ago...
On Tue, 2 Nov 2010, Sven Olaf Kamphuis wrote:
Are there still any commercial X.25 nets in operation? I had some peripheral
involvement with Tymnet in the MCI/Concert conversion, and hear it shut down
sometime in 2003-4.
also: yep.
commercial x.25 based packet radio networks, and the wired parts to keep them
together, are still around.
(the non-commercial ones also ofcourse ;)
Sven Olaf Kamphuis,
CB3ROB Ltd. & Co. KG
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On Tue, 2 Nov 2010, Chris Boyd wrote:
On Nov 1, 2010, at 11:48 AM, Nick Hilliard wrote:
And FDDI and X.25 and every single legacy protocol
Are there still any commercial X.25 nets in operation? I had some peripheral
involvement with Tymnet in the MCI/Concert conversion, and hear it shut down
sometime in 2003-4.