probably going out on a limb here,  but i suspect you'll never see BGP support 
in any of Cisco's firewall products.  In routers which have FW bits included,  
yes,  but not in an ASA product.

perhaps the marketing thinking is 'if you can afford an asa 558x, you can 
afford one of our fine router products too.'


From: srg []
Sent: Friday, October 29, 2010 1:42 PM
Subject: BGP support on ASA5585-X


At this moment we know that ASA5585-X does not support BGP.

Does anybody know if BGP support in the ASA5585-X is in roadmap?
More precisely... MP-BGP support in the ASA5585-X?
Any "oficial" link in the Cisco website about this? (I did't find it)

Thanks a lot and best regards


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