> > Coming across Phil Dykstra's paper from 1999 is what got me thinking > about it (well, that and moving a lot of data between Europe and the > West coast of the US). > > http://sd.wareonearth.com/~phil/jumbo.html > > http://staff.psc.edu/mathis/MTU/ > >
Found more good information here: http://noc.net.internet2.edu/i2network/maps--documentation/policy-statem ents.html#Jumbo%20Frames It might not be a bad idea to take some of what is learned on Inet2 and backport it to the 'net where possible. I also discovered that Linux will do RFC4821 PMTU discovery if you set /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_mtu_probing to the proper value. It is turned off by default. Solaris is on by default it appears.