On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 4:53 PM, Dan White <dwh...@olp.net> wrote:

> On 21/10/10 14:43 -0700, Leo Bicknell wrote:
>> In a message written on Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 01:53:49PM -0700, Christopher
>> McCrory wrote:
>>> open to the world.  After a few google searches, it seems that
>>> PostgreSQL is in a similar situation.
>> I don't know when PostgreSQL first supported IPv6, but it works just
>> fine.  I just fired up a stock FreeBSD 8.1 system and built the Postgres
>> 8.4 port with no changes, and viola:
> All this is pretty moot point if you run a localized copy of your database
> (mysql or postgres) and connect via unix domains sockets.
True. It mostly affects shared/smaller hosting providers who have customers
that want direct access to the database remotely over the public network
(and don't want to use some local admin tool such as phpMyAdmin).


Brandon Galbraith
US Voice: 630.492.0464

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