On Oct 16, 2010, at 8:36 AM, Brandon Kim wrote:

> Since we are on the topic of IPv6. I'd like to know if anyone has 
> books/articles they recommend on fully
> understanding IPv6 adoption in the work place. I will need to contact ARIN 
> shortly to request a v6 block.
> I'm assuming I would be asking for a /64 being an ISP. But I'd like to read 
> up as much as possible before
> requesting the block....
No, as an ISP, you should get at least a /32. A /64 is a single subnet in IPv6.

> I think our approach will be to use dual-stack on the routers and let the 
> clients themselves handle how they want to use IPv6...
Seems reasonable. FWIW, you should plan for assigning clients a /48 per 

> Ultimately, it is up to them, their network, and their applications on how to 
> use v6...


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