> Certainly, fine folks at Reliance Globalcom Services, Inc. could tell
> us who is paying them to connect these hijacked blocks to their network,
> but I rather doubt that they are actually going to come clean and do
> that.

Ron, I haven't been following this anti-spam stuff much since it went
political with ARIN but I do have a few quick questions (relating to
US law and spam).

1) Is spamming from within the US criminal activity? What constitutes
spam in that case?
2) If you could justify the incoming spam as a DOS, is that criminal
activity? Could you justify it as a DOS?
3) Is providing ARIN with bogus information just to get around their
processes criminal activity?
4) Is obtaining disused IP space / AS allocations from assigned
entity, and not updating ARIN criminal activity?
5) Is advertising Prefixes or AS number assigned to another entity
criminal activity?

6) If any of the above could be classed as criminal activity, are
Reliance Globalcom (in this case) legally obligated to cut them off?,
or just help by switching on a packet capture (new law coming into
effect i think??)


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