This is why they need a 'like' button on nanog!! :) > I once had cause to write a RIP broadcast daemon while on-site with a > client; they had some specific brokenness with a Novell server and some > other gear that was "fixed" by a UNIX box, a C compiler, and maybe 20 > or 30 minutes of programming (mostly to remember the grimy specifics of > UDP broadcast programming). I do not recall the specific routing issue, > but being able to just inject a periodic "spoofed" packet was sufficient > to repair them.
- RIP Justification Jesse Loggins
- Re: RIP Justification Patrick W. Gilmore
- Re: RIP Justification Charles Mills
- Re: RIP Justification Joe Greco
- RE: RIP Justification Brandon Kim
- Re: RIP Justification Heath Jones
- Re: RIP Justification Crist Clark
- RE: RIP Justification Gary Gladney
- Re: RIP Justification Christopher Gatlin
- Re: RIP Justification Mark Smith
- Re: RIP Justification Christopher Gatlin
- Re: RIP Justification Owen DeLong
- Re: RIP Justification Mark Smith
- RE: RIP Justification George Bonser
- Re: RIP Justification Heath Jones
- Re: RIP Justification Christian Martin