On Sep 27, 2010, at 9:30 AM, Lyndon Nerenberg wrote:

> On 10-09-27 7:20 AM, Robert E. Seastrom wrote:
>> "Cannot establish SSL with SMTP server" does not
>> sound like a 587 problem to me.
>> netalyzr folks?  comment?
> Sorry, I hit send too soon ...
> I've heard from a couple of people that the PIX will remap 587 (and 25)
> to oddball ports if you fiddle the config just right.  Given all the
> other bogosity that box does with SMTP I wonder if there's truth to the
> rumour. (I haven't found anyone who can reproduce this on demand, so
> it's still apocryphal for now.)

465 is not an odd-ball port, it's the standard well-known port for STMPS.
Fortunately, few people actually use SMTPS, preferring instead to do their
security via TLS using the STARTTLS model after connecting to 25/587.


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