While Vyatta is a good piece of software for the Free version, the costs 
quickly increases as you have to purchase support and the version updates are 
few and far between with the Free version.  The production (paid) version 
though is quite nice.

Another option though would be RouterOS.  If it is a small site, doing BGP 
could be as little as $399 including the hardware!  However, most people that 
do BGP will need a bit more horsepower.  RouterOS will do your iBGP, OSPF, 
bandwidth controls, firewalling etc.  The software license there is $45 beans! 
Super cheap.  Hardware runs as low as $49 bucks to 10k depending on what you 
are needing.  If you would like, please feel free to contact me off-list and I 
will be glad to recommend the proper hardware.  

Dennis Burgess, CCNA, A+, Mikrotik Certified Trainer
Link Technologies, Inc -- Mikrotik & WISP Support Services
Office: 314-735-0270 Website: http://www.linktechs.net
LIVE On-Line Mikrotik Training - Author of "Learn RouterOS" 

-----Original Message-----
From: Nathanael C. Cariaga [mailto:nccari...@stluke.com.ph] 
Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2010 5:15 AM
To: sth...@nethelp.no
Cc: nanog@nanog.org
Subject: Re: Software-based Border Router

Thank you for the prompt response.  Just to clarify my previous post, I was 
actually referring to Linux/Unix-based routers.  We've been considering this 
solution because presently we don't have any budget for equipment acquisition 
this year.

To be honest, I came across Vyatta Core while searching for viable 
Linux/Unix-based solution that we can adopt and I'm currently reading its 
reference guides.  Has anyone here used this software before?  

Thanks a lot.

----- Original Message -----
From: sth...@nethelp.no
To: nccari...@stluke.com.ph
Cc: nanog@nanog.org
Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2010 5:59:21 PM
Subject: Re: Software-based Border Router

> Just want to ask if anyone here had experience deploying software-based 
> routers to serve as perimeter / border router? How does it gauge with 
> hardware-based routers? Any past experiences will be very much appreciated. 

Software based routers (e.g. Cisco 7200 series) have been used as border 
routers for many years - this is hardly anything new. The question you should 
ask is probably: Can such a router handle a full link's worth of DDoS using 
minimum sized packets? The answer, of course, depends on your link capacity, 
the router itself, features enabled (ACLs, QoS, ...) etc.

There are quite a few people using Quagga based boxes running Linux or FreeBSD 
as border routers - this is a possible solution too, giving you more bang for 
the buck than a traditional software based router from the big vendors. Make 
sure you have enough expertise for the relevant OS and routing software 

Steinar Haug, Nethelp consulting, sth...@nethelp.no

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