On Thu, 16 Sep 2010 08:59:23 CDT, Joe Greco said:
> What prevents a service provider from saying "We're selling you a
> 15M/2M circuit, and we guarantee that we've got sufficient capacity
> to consistently deliver at least 4M/512K through our network and to
> our peers/upstreams?"

Can I have that as "4M guaranteed, burstable to 15M, 95th percentile billing"?
I'd rather have that than pay for 15M for the 1 hour a month I actually need it.

(And yes, I'm fully aware of what the margin is on the consumer-grade cable I
have, and why cookie-cutter installs are required to make even that margin, and
why it won't happen unless I jump to the business-class side.  Doesn't mean I
can't dream... :)

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