
Nominations for the NANOG Communications Committee are now open.  This
is a great way to become involved and serve the NANOG community.  From
the website: 

"The Communications Committee is a group of five individuals from the
NANOG community who together are responsible for the administration and
moderation of the NANOG mailing lists.  A new Communications Committee
will be selected by the Steering Committee after the election in
October. Two positions are to be filled. The currently-serving
Communications Committee members whose terms are expiring are Randy
Epstein and Tim Yocum.  The main NANOG mailing list serves an important
role in the community by providing a day-to-day forum for network
operators. Participating as a member of the Communications Committee
gives you the opportunity to make a noticeable contribution. The
Communications Committee is covered under section 7.1.2 of the NANOG

If you are interested in volunteering on the Communications Committee,
please either volunteer yourself or nominate someone you feel would be
willing and able to serve.  Please send nominations to
nominati...@nanog.org and include your name, company affiliation, a
brief biography and a statement of interest.  This information will be
posted to the NANOG website in the coming weeks.

Please see
http://www.nanog.org/governance/elections/2010elections/index.php for
more information as well as samples of previous candidate submissions.

Kind Regards,

Michael K. Smith
NANOG Communications Committee Chair

NANOG-announce mailing list

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