They're called "routers".  ;)
   Otherwise, your framing is completely different between those mediums,
   so it's not like going from 100Base-FX ethernet to 100Base-TX ethernet!

   Scott Morris, CCIEx4 (R&S/ISP-Dial/Security/Service Provider) #4713,

   CCDE #2009::D, JNCIE-M #153, JNCIS-ER, CISSP, et al.

   CCSI #21903, JNCI-M, JNCI-ER


   Knowledge is power.

   Power corrupts.

   Study hard and be Eeeeviiiil......

   On 9/9/10 1:59 PM, Alan Bryant wrote:

I did a quick google search for a converter but either I'm not
understanding, or I'm not searching for the right thing.

We currently have a POS OC-3 that I would like to be able to convert
it to Ethernet, if possible.

Do such devices exist?



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