The deadline for nominations for the NANOG Steering Committee is tomorrow, at 
11:59 PM EDT on Monday, August 30.

If you are interested in running for an SC position, or know someone who might 
be a good candidate, please send the nomination to  More 
details are below.

This is a very important time in the evolution of NANOG, and the SC members 
elected this fall will have a great opportunity to help represent the community 
and shape our future.

For the SC,
   Steve Feldman

> Elections for three of the six elected positions on the NANOG Steering 
> Committee will be held in October, 2010, for two-year terms ending in 
> October, 2012.
> The current SC members whose terms are expiring are Patrick Gilmore, Joe 
> Provo, and Robert Seastrom.  Joe is finishing his second consecutive term, so 
> per the charter, cannot be considered for reelection until October 2011.
> If you care about NANOG as a forum, and think you would like to take a turn 
> at volunteering your time to help make it better, please consider either 
> volunteering yourself or nominating someone else.
> For more information about the role of the Steering Committee, or to find out 
> more about what's involved in being a Steering Committee member, please 
> consult the NANOG charter or contact someone who is already serving and ask 
> them directly.
> Per the charter, Steering Committee members must attend at least two of three 
> NANOG meetings per year while in office.
> You may nominate someone else, or yourself. There is no limit to the number 
> of nominations that may be submitted by a single person.  Individual nominees 
> will be contacted directly to confirm that they are willing to accept the 
> nomination, and so that they can supply a biography for the NANOG web page.
> To submit a nomination, send the nominee's full name and contact details to 
>  The deadline for nominations is 11:59 PM EDT on 
> Monday, August 30.
> The candidates will be given an opportunity to make brief comments and/or 
> accept questions from the community at the NANOG 50 Community Meeting on 
> Sunday, October 3.
> As a reminder, the full election timeline is:
> Aug.  2 - SC Nominations begin
> Aug. 24 - Potential charter amendments discussed in nanog-futures
> Aug. 24 - PC Nominations begin
> Aug. 30 - SC Candidate information posted/nominations close
> Sep. 13 - Call for Communications Committee nominations
> Sep. 21 - Ballot approved
> Oct.  3 - Voting opens at 12:00 EDT
> Oct.  4 - PC Candidate Information posted/nominations close
> Oct.  6 - Voting closes at 09:15 EDT, results announced
>          before the close of NANOG 50.

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