Cisco posts their advisories to the NANOG list.
'The vulnerability manifests itself when a BGP peer announces a prefix
with a specific, valid but unrecognized transitive attribute. On
receipt of this prefix, the Cisco IOS XR device will corrupt the
attribute before sending it to the neighboring devices. Neighboring
devices that receive this corrupted update may reset the BGP peering
I'm not sure what you intend to say by quoting this part of the
advisory. If you think that it's an IOS XR bug which only needs
fixing in IOS XR, you're showing the very attitude which has stopped
us from making the network more resilient to these types of events.
Its more a workaround then a bugfix ...
Dont try to write down what I might think. I am perfectly capable of
explaining this myselve. The narrow minded response you just did tells
more about you then about me. So far for the rant.
I think i am around long enough that you would not even consider thinking
that i would say 'hey this is a IOS XR BUG. Its not.' I didnt say this at
all. Did I?
If it affects a large part of traffic on the internet and it obviously
did. It took down a couple of the larger networks.
You can clearly see the drop there also.
I think a 'fix' 'bugfix' 'workaround' whatever you want to call it,
i still think its good they released it and fast. A more structural
approach is nice but wont help a lot of networks right now.
I am sorry i tried to add something to the thread. Think about this
Florian. We are not the bad guys.