On Thu, 2010-08-26 at 22:46 -0700, JC Dill wrote:
> William Herrin wrote:
> > On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 6:36 PM,  <bmann...@vacation.karoshi.com> wrote:
> >   
> >> sorry for the off topic post - but since a few of us travel about some...
> >> http://www.hipmunk.com/
> >>     
> Cool link!  I'm actually shopping for a flight tonight, this has already 
> come in quite handy.
> >
> > How do they quantify agony? Also it's not clear if the sort is
> > ascending or descending...
> http://www.hipmunk.com/faq
> What is Agony, and why would I want to sort by it?
> Agony is our way of sorting flights to take into account price, 
> duration, and number of stops. There's more to a flight than its price, 
> so we provide this sort to give you better all-around results.

Very cool indeed. I'd think that to some the travel time would be
weighed much more heavily than the price of the ticket. I hate to fly
for work (having been injured in a plane crash) and a bit nervous
anyway, but if I am flying for work then then a few hundred bucks is
trivial compared to what is riding on the deal. It might be neat of you
could adjust the weight of the components of "agony".

For kicks, I looked at the most agonizing trip options... I chose a trip
from San Diego to New York City... the worst were:

1) Tijuana to Mexico City, 16hr hour layover, then to Newark NJ and cost
over $1k.

2) Tijuana to Guadalajara for an 8hr layover, then to Atlanta for a
1.5hr layover to New York LGA.

Holy crappy flights Batman!

Michael J. McCafferty
M5 Hosting

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