Mark Smith wrote:
On Mon, 23 Aug 2010 05:59:43 -0400 wrote:
I missed that, and that answers the "was it a GigaBytes verses Gigabits
error" question. Nothing new here by the looks of it - people in this
thread were getting those sorts of speeds a year ago out of PC hardware
under Linux -

"I have achieved a collective throughput of 66.25 Gbit/s."

"We've achieved 70 Gbps aggregate unidirectional TCP performance from
one P6T6 based system to another."
Very nice, but doing this with 1514-byte packets is the low-hanging
fruit.  (9K packets?  That's the fruit that falls off the tree and
into your basket while you're napping :-).)  The more interesting limit:
how many 40-byte packets per second can you shovel into this system
and still have all of them come out the other end?

Jim Shankland

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