On Wed, 18 Aug 2010 02:38:12 -0400, <khatfi...@socllc.net> wrote:
I worked with a company that threw away / recycled nearly an entire 100k sq. foot datacenter. All of the gear still in working order. It's just one those things...

There are constraints beyond the logic of "common sense". And it flows from the accounting department :-)

A former employer had a bunch of old PCs replaced. The old ones, for "tax reasons", had to be destroyed. Which meant they had to go in the dumpster. What happens to them after that is not my concern; I won't even notice if they aren't in there when the truck comes to empty that dumpster. Do what NCSU's ACS ("the hall of records") used to do... post to the news groups when ever they had anything "interesting" to throw away.

In today's world, throwing a computer in a dumpster (headed to a landfill) is illegal just about everywhere. esp. CA.


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