40 Acres and a Mule were promised to every slave freed in the south by
General Grant. It was later rescinded. 600 acres was promised to
non-landowning general militia soldiers after the Revolutionary war.
You're only off by ~100 years.
On 8/14/2010 1:27 PM, Jimi Thompson wrote:
It was 40 acres and a mule - FYI
On 8/14/10 11:22 AM, "John R. Levine"<jo...@iecc.com> wrote:
Convincingly said here on an ISP mailing list. But what about the
folks who were denied address assignments by ARIN policies over the
last 15 years? Denied them based on the fiction that ISPs didn't own
IP addresses, that they were merely holding the addresses in trust for
the public they serve. ...
I dunno. What was New York's responsibility in the 1790s to guys who
didn't join the army because they had to stay home and take care of their
widowed mother and six younger sisters?
I wouldn't for a moment claim that IPv4 space was a way that was uniformly
fair or wise or close to ideal. But I don't think you're going to have
much luck imposing fairness and wisdom retroactively on people who've
already got the space.