On 08/14/2010 11:27 AM, Owen DeLong wrote:
I was at a trade show several months back. I watched a series of people
walk up to a vendor and each, in turn, asked about IPv6 support. The
vendor told each, in turn, "You're the only one asking for it."
I walked up to the vendor and took my turn being told "You're the only
one asking for it." I pointed out that I had seen the other people get
the same answer. The sales person admitted he was caught red
handed and explained "We're working on it, but, we don't have a
definite date and so our marketing department has told us to downplay
the demand and the importance until we have something more
What company was that? I find it rather odd that any marketing group in
any company would tell a sales team to downplay a possible future
migration path; especially in the case of IP6 which isn't a possible
future migration strategy, but IS a future migration strategy. That's
one company I don't want to do business with if that's what they are
telling their sales team...shows lack of a road map and a total lack of
any understanding of this industry!