On Aug 13, 2010, at 2:31 PM, Ken Chase wrote:
> ...
> Right, and Im answering my own question here, for (8) about the reclaiming - 
> what upstream is going to stop carrying prefixes from a downstream that's
> 'illegally' announcing them? Is this upstream going to cut that customer off 
> and
> lose the revenue, just to satisfy ARIN's bleating? From what I gather, all 
> that
> ARIN can do is remove the NS records for the i-a.a reverse zone for the 
> offending
> block, making SMTP a little trickier from the block, but not much else.
> Unless I didnt see the other large sticks ARIN's carrying? I've never seen 
> them
> send hired goons to anyone's door... yet?

Ken - 
  ARIN maintains the WHOIS based on what the community develops for 
  policies; what's happens in routing tables is entirely up to the 
  ISP community.  No "bleating" or "large sticks" here, just turning
  the policy crank and managing address space accordingly.  

  ARIN pulls the address space, and then (after holddown) reissues it
  to another provider. WHOIS reflects this change, as does in-addr.  
  Whether an ISP respect the information in WHOIS is likely to always
  be a "local decision"; ARIN's responsibility is to make sure that
  the information contained therein matches the community's policy
  not some hypothetical routing enforcement.

  There will be an ISP attempting to make use of that reassigned 
  address space, and one could imagine that party being let down 
  if the community says one thing in policy but does another when
  it comes to routing.


John Curran
President and CEO

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