CIP went with BT (Concert) I still clearly remember the very long
concall when we separated it from it BIPP connections. :)


On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 4:10 PM, Chris Boyd <> wrote:
> On Aug 11, 2010, at 1:13 PM, John Lee wrote:
>> MCI bought MFS-Datanet because MCI had the customers and MFS-Datanet had all 
>> of the fiber running to key locations at the time and could drastically cut 
>> MCI's costs. UUNET "merged" with MCI and their traffic was put on this same 
>> network. MCI went belly up and Verizon bought the network.
> Although not directly involved in the MCI Internet operations, I read all the 
> announcements that came across the email when I worked at MCI from early 1993 
> to late 1998.
> My recollection is that Worldcom bought out MFS.  UUnet was a later 
> acquisition by the Worldcom monster (no, no biases here :-).  While this was 
> going on MCI was building and running what was called the BIPP (Basic IP 
> Platform) internally.  That product was at least reasonably successful, 
> enough so that some gummint powers that be required divestiture of the BIPP 
> from the company that would come out of the proposed acquisition of MCI by 
> Worldcom.  The regulators felt that Worldcom would have too large a share of 
> the North American Internet traffic.  The BIPP went with BT IIRC, and I think 
> finally landed in Global Crossing's assets.
> --Chris

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