GNS is just a front end for dynamips/qemu.   ASA will run under qemu without 
the use of extra wrappers/tools.  it will run natively under vmware too.  ASA 
is basically an application running above a linux kernel.   I forget what the 
internal name is,  lisa or similar…


On Aug 4, 2010, at 10:56 AM, Mike Walter wrote:

> I assume the ASA's don't run natively on VMware or Xen, I assume you have to 
> use something like GNS3.  I think that would be fine for testing, but in real 
> world production running an ASA on GNS3 under an another OS seems like a bad 
> idea.  I hope Cisco will come out with Virtual Appliances for some of their 
> products like they did for the Nexus 1000V.
> -Mike
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Daryl G. Jurbala [] 
> Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 2010 10:54 AM
> To: Xavier Beaudouin
> Cc: nanog
> Subject: Re: Appliance Vs Software based routers
> On Aug 4, 2010, at 9:53 AM, Xavier Beaudouin wrote:
>> Le 4 août 2010 à 15:14, Mirko Maffioli a écrit :
>>> 2010/7/25 Laurens Vets <>:
>>>> Cisco PIX: no, Cisco ASA: yes. It even runs under VMware...  It's however
>>>> very hackish... :)
>>> Cisco ASA under VMware?? :|
>> CiscoASA is based on x86, there is no reasons you cannot run this into 
>> VMWare or Xen...
> If that were the only qualification, PIX builds for the 515s would run under 
> VMWare or XEN as well.  Maybe they do, but I've never seen it.

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