On 7/28/2010 1:16 PM, Jorge Amodio wrote:
>>> Also, these famous guys selected as part of the TCR group where the
>>> number is not actually seven, don't even have enough material to sign
>>> anything by themselves.
>> Of course not.  The only real requirement is that the TCR group hold enough
>> shares so ICANN can't sign anything without them.  For instance, make 12
>> shares, give 6 to ICANN and 1 to each of six TCR people, and then require 11
>> shares in order to sign something. The only way anything happens is for ICANN
>> and at least 5 TCR to cooperate - which is about the only way to make it
>> palatable for all concerned.
> Have you noticed that the Provisional TCR Proposal doc from ICANN has
> the page numbers encrypted ?
> (http://www.root-dnssec.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/ICANN-TCR-Proposal-20100408.pdf)
> Looks it is the strange "I don't know how to number pages on pdf
> files" algorithm :-)
> Cheers
> Jorge

Add the numbers to the pages when the pdf IS printed. Its in the
printing configuration.


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