On Sat, 24 Jul 2010 14:22:56 -0700 (PDT), "andrew.wallace"
<andrew.wall...@rocketmail.com> wrote:
> n3td3v Security is monitoring the situation between North Korea, US and
> South
> Korea.
> North Korea has already threatened to use its nuclear arms when the
> "wargames"
> begin Sunday by United States and South Korea, but n3td3v Security
> predicts
> North Korea is planning a large scale cyber attack on US interests.
> We could really see the first cyber war proper here when it all kicks
> Sunday
> between US, S.Korea and the North.
> n3td3v Security is warning critical infrastructure utility companies to
> keep an
> eye on its cyber assets incase NK's cyber command launch any attack.
> Andrew Wallace
> http://sites.google.com/site/n3td3v/
Can you provide information to back this up? At first glance glance I am
having a hard time believing this is anything but speculation, but would be
interested to hear more.