33-Bit Addressing via ONE bit or TWO bits ? does NANOG care? As some people (who understand IPv4) know, there is a SINGLE spare/unused bit in the IPv4 header that can be set to 0 or 1. Some religions require that it be set to 0. Adult content is marked with a 1.
That single bit can be viewed as common between the Source and Destination creating a 33rd bit of addressing. Since it is a single bit, it is welded together for both Source and Destination. 0-Normal 1-Evil/Other/Adult/XXX In anticipation of expanding to 33-bit addressing, another bit was deprecated years ago. It can now be used to UNWELD the EVIL bit. That would allow EVIL to be only for the Source. The Destination would have its own EVIL bit. If two bits are used, then the potential to communicate between the previously welded address spaces arises. Some enforcement could still be used in Edge Network Elements to make sure both bits are 0 or both 1. Enforcements are hard to maintain and full 33-bit addressing may emerge. As an aside, NAT was primarily added to improve the .NET Architecture with a Flash Upgrade-able Network Element. It is a shame that IPv6 salesman do not seem to understand "Architecture". They continue on the [NAT is Evil] path. NANOG can play an important role in shaping how Address Plans for North America evolve. Since Network Elements are going to be flash upgraded for the new DNS, it is easy to (unweld/change) the 33-bit addressing for .XXX The 33-bit addressing works into the 66-bit Triple-Tagged VLAN addressing with Content Rating. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_802.1Q The Locator is 33-bits and the ID is 33-bits. Both are UNIQUE. Both fit in the IPv4 foot-print. The three-ring circus architecture emerges. (((Core)Edge)Fringe) does NANOG care? is NANOG now Fringe ?