> >> The single host/box had bomb making info and hit lists.  Yeah, I'd 
> >> shut it down too if it was on my network.
> >>
> >> Joe Hamelin, W7COM, Tulalip, WA, 360-474-7474
> >
> > As would any reasonable operator.
> Or maybe it would have been better to not destroy a known source, and 
> work with the FBI to maximize its value.
> Cutting it off like that was short-sighted and stupid.
> -j

(Fixing the subject line - sorry about that...)

It sounds like the letter from the FBI to Burst.net specifically allowed for 
that possibility.

"In the FBI's letter, the agency included a clause that says Web hosts and 
Internet service providers may voluntarily elect to shut down the sites of 
customers involved in these kinds of situations."

Nathan Eisenberg, Atlas Networks

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