I wonder how much of the de-aggregation in the routing table is
attributable to issues like this?

On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 9:56 AM, Eric Williams <ewilli...@connectria.com> wrote:
> This issue has been resolved by breaking up the /22 into /24's.  Thanks to
> all for the advise.
> Maybe next time I will take someone's advise and advertise one of ATT's
> /8's.
> From:
> Eric Williams/Connectria
> To:
> nanog@nanog.org
> Date:
> 06/24/2010 02:37 PM
> Subject:
> ATT BGP - Advertising my network on accident
> AT&T is currently advertising my address space to the internet
> accidentally via BGP which they should not be.  Since they are advertising
> my address space on accident, we are dead in the water.  Does anybody out
> there work for ATT or know of the number I can call in order to have them
> stop advertising my /22 ASAP!!!!

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