> john,
> today, a research batch script running periodic bulk whois work has a
> line something like
>    ncftpget ftp://user:p...@ftp.arin.net/arin_db.txt.gz
> well, it can actually be simpler.
> for the web 9.3 impaired of us, could you describe the simple batch
> script line under the new improved system?

Randy - You're going to have to get on ARIN Online at least 
once to generate an key (this means after June 26), but then
accessing the data should be just as simple for a batch script
(i.e. use curl or wget for this purpose).  I've extracted the 
relevant draft info from the June 26 release documents and 
attached below.  This is obviously subject to change until 
the release actually comes out...



The report can be downloaded directly without logging into 
ARIN Online using a RESTful HTTP request containing your 
API key.  The URL must look like:


There are a variety of ways to automate the retrieval of 
this report.  For example, on a Linux system, where your 
API key is API-1111-2222-3333-4444, you can use the 
following 'curl' command to download the report file:

> arin_nvpr.zip

You can manage your API keys on the when logged into your 
ARIN Online account.

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