On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 4:22 AM, Jorge Amodio <jmamo...@gmail.com>  wrote:
> Cyber Threats Yes, But Is It Cyber War?
> http://www.circleid.com/posts/20100609_cyber_threats_yes_but_is_it_cyberwar/
> -J

Cyber war is something made up by the security industry to save it from going 
bankrupt because the traditional profit vectors such as virus and worm authors 
aren't releasing threats to the web anymore because the motivation for the 
hackers has changed from fun to money.

You've got folks now trying to artificially ramp up cyber security as a 
national security agenda now to create a new profit vector now that the 
traditional threats don't exist anymore.

"How do we ramp up cyber security as a national security agenda, something the 
next president has to worry about?"

"How do we get cyber security as the top headline on CNN and Fox News so that 
cyber security is something The White House works on?"


The response to this video was "It Shouldn't Take a 9/11 to Fix Cybersecurity 
(But it Might)"


I highlighted these suspicious videos on Full-disclosure mailing list but they 
didn't seem to think there was anything wrong.

I also sent them to MI5 via their web form but I've had no reply from them.



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