This is a good topic for nanog-futures and not the main list since it's about 
the organization.


On Jun 10, 2010, at 9:05 AM, Michael Dillon wrote:

> I expect that the collected members of this list could do a good job
> of defining some network security practices checklists. Now that NANOG
> has been spun out as an independent entity, I would hate to see it
> become just another conference organizer. In the recent past many
> professions have learned how valuable a simple checklist is in
> preventing errors and ensuring that work adheres to a certain
> standard.
> So I am suggesting that NANOG take on the task of compiling and
> publishing checklists for various areas of network operations. We
> could have a NANOG wiki where people can publish, and work over,
> suggestions for checklist topics and content. Then at the conferences,
> a BOF-style meeting could hash out the official published versions.
> We could have an interesting debate on whether or not this would make
> a difference and whether or not NANOG should take on this role. But I
> hope that we are now at a point where we see that network sloppiness
> and insecurity are becoming such major issues that action is needed.
> Let's act first, and evaluate the usefulness of the work, later.
> --Michael Dillon

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