On Tue, 08 Jun 2010 22:01:35 CDT, Jorge Amodio said:

> On the other hand think as the Internet being a vast ocean where the
> bad guys keep dumping garbage, you can't control or filter the
> currents that are constantly changing and you neither can inspect
> every water molecule, then what do you do to find and penalize the
> ones that drop or permit their systems to drop garbage on the ocean ?

Bad analogy. There's some plumes of oil in the Gulf of Mexico that are
getting mapped out very well by only a few ships.  You don't have to
examine every molecule to find parts-per-million oil, or to figure out
who's oil rig the oil came from.

And you don't need to look at every packet to find abusive traffic
either - in most cases, simply letting the rest of the net do the work
for you and just reading your abuse@ mailbox and actually dealing with
the reports is 95% of what's needed.

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