I'm not sure why anyone is running SCO Unix. Call their technical
support, enjoy the crickets.
On 05/27/2010 03:01 PM, Brian Feeny wrote:
I don't think this is the appropriate list for asking a question about a problem with
telnet to a sco box. I don't understand why you think "service
tcp-keepalives-in/out" has any effect on traffic to and from a host to a SCO box.
This command is for traffic to and from the router itself.
Look for errors on the link, double check all routing, in both directions,
check masks, gateways, things like that. Fiddling with knobs on the router is
likely not the fix, especially the ones you are messing with.
On May 27, 2010, at 2:47 PM, jacob miller wrote:
Am running an application on Sco Unix but am having the following problem.
Application is hunging sporadically.
Am accessing the application via telnet.Have changed the link thinking that
this could be the problem but to no avail.
Have increased keep alives on the routers and increased capacity on them.
service tcp-keepalives-in and out.But this has not sorted the problem out.
Any thing that i need to be looking at or am missing