Am 19.05.10 14:24, schrieb William Hamilton:
>> Any further hints?
> Raise the issue from outside your network?

That's difficult, without any contact information.

Am 19.05.10 14:28, schrieb Suresh Ramasubramanian:
> Your customer contacts his contact (friend / relative / customer etc)
> in the US army
> The army guy contacts his base IT staff to bitch about his email
> His base IT staff escalates the bitching up through a long and twisty channel
> Then you may or may not hear a status back, or get your AS unblocked
> Sit tight and wait, till then

I am aware of this way, sure. I just hoped, there would be a more...
efficient way.

Thanks anyway.

Malte von dem Hagen
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Abteilung Technik

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