On 2010/05/15 02:57 AM, Michael J McCafferty wrote:
        Is there a quick/small/handy/better way to get power quality info? If
so, what is it? I don't own the facility.

The modern digital utility meters have extensive monitoring for power quality. We have been using meters from EDMI[1] that can report and record voltage, current, power factor, voltage and current waveforms, harmonics, demand profiles and many other things.

The meters have serial interfaces and are fairly easy to connect up for remote access.

[1] http://www.edmi-meters.com/

Graham Beneke
gra...@apolix.co.za   | Apolix Internet Services
Tel : +27-87-550-1010 | http://www.apolix.co.za/
Cell: +27-82-432-1873 | PO Box 1120
Skype: grbeneke       | Melville, 2109

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