On Fri, Apr 02, 2010 at 08:09:29AM -0400, Robert E. Seastrom wrote:
> This morning I went digging for a book to recommend that someone in
> our NOC read in order to understand at a high level how Internet
> infrastructure works

How to do comes automatically, *why* to do is the difference between
a good and great engineer.

Watching old nanog (and other country-nog) archives is good, going to
the actual meetings and meeting people is better, and developing a
culture of shared understanding and colaboration is golden.

I guess I mean, working out the what the "best way" to build a network
is rather than following an example..

If you do like dead trees, then capturing the spirit of what I mean
comes from older books like my (prized) "ISP Survival Guide" (Geoff

My 2p.


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