On 25.04.2010 14:46 Mehmet Akcin wrote

> Anyone experiencing connectivity problems to South African networks at this
> moment? A fellow colleague informed SEACOM cable which is serving east
> Africa seems to be down.
> Let me know if you have more information on this subject.


(server1:2010 122 )date -u
Sun Apr 25 13:02:02 UTC 2010

(server1:2010 123 )fping -q -c5 symmetria.tenet.ac.za
symmetria.tenet.ac.za : xmt/rcv/%loss = 5/4/20%, min/avg/max =

Arnold Nipper / nIPper consulting, Sandhausen, Germany
email: arn...@nipper.de       phone: +49 6224 9259 299
mobile: +49 172 2650958         fax: +49 6224 9259 333

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