On Apr 23, 2010, at 12:57 AM, Steve Bertrand wrote:

> On 2010.04.23 03:39, Larry Sheldon wrote:
>> On 4/23/2010 02:35, Larry Sheldon wrote:
>>>> From my PC at home (Cox in Omaha) I can't even get a nameserver that
>>> knows the site.
>> I should point out that I am really stupid about v6--I don't know if I
>> should be able to find a nameserver or not.
> Has nothing to do about being stupid... let's rephrase your statement
> and put a positive spin on it as such:
> "I've heard about IPv6, but don't know very much about it. I think that
> I should know more, but am a bit confused as to where to begin. What do
> I do first?".
> Then I'd say:
> "As a start, go to http://www.getipv6.info/index.php/Main_Page . If that
> doesn't get you going, then let the rest of the community start posting
> the resources that they know about, ranging from beginner up to the
> advanced.".
Shameless plug:

There's some decent IPv6 training at http://tunnelbroker.net

You can also add IPv6 capabilities to your network using a tunnel from
there.  (Unless you're trapped in NAT hell).

If you have the NAT problem, you can try http://www.sixxs.net and
see if one of their solutions will get through your NAT.


(Full Disclosure, I work for the company (Hurricane Electric) that provides
http://tunnelbroker.net )

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