That would be the AMP quick connect kit.  Been there, done that, got the scars 
and war stories too.

The most notable was that the "drops" from the actual coax down to the 
end-stations were of a non-trivial length, and the actual length added to your 
coax segment was double that (due to the loop out to the end-station).  We had 
several cases of segments getting "too long" unexpectedly, and some green techs 
hooking up 3-4 drops in their new office areas at the same time (adding ~100' 
to your run)...


-----Original Message-----
From: Joe Greco <>

There were several proprietary solutions to the 10base2 conundrum,
I can't remember the name of the one I was most familiar with, but it
eliminated all that stuff by using a molded cable that had a BNC on
one end, contained dual RG cables inside a heavy jacket, and a funky
molded plug on the end.  The plug would connect to a socket through
which a 10base2 segment ran, and inserting the plug would open a 
switch that shorted the conductors, and then the cable would form
the link to re-complete the segment.

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