On 04/07/2010 04:18 AM, Joe Greco wrote:
To me, this is a Dilbert-class engineering failure.  I would imagine that
if you could implement a hub on the network card, the same chip(s) would
work in an external tin can with a separate power supply.  Designing a
product that actually exhibits a worse failure mode than 10base2 is ...
strange to me.

This reminds of me of the failure-mode-within-a-failure-mode of 10b2 with
vaxstation2000's using vms's vaxcluster software. Unplugging the 10b2 gave
you a window of about 10 seconds before one by one every vaxstation2000
would bugcheck. I was always rather astonished that nobody at DEC either
noticed it, or thought it was a very big deal because the bug survived a
long time.


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