On Apr 2, 2010, at 4:40 PM, Brielle Bruns wrote:

> On 4/2/10 3:01 PM, Jeroen van Aart wrote:
>> I am curious. Once we're nearing exhausting all IPv4 space will there
>> ever come a time to ask/demand/force returning all these legacy /8
>> allocations? I think I understand the difficulty in that, but then
>> running out of IPs is also a difficult issue. :-)
>> For some reason I sooner see all IPv4 space being exhausted than IPv6
>> being actually implemented globally.
>> Greetings,
>> Jeroen
> I've got a rather stupidly simple and straightforward plan, since we're all 
> throwing ideas out.
> Take back all the IP space from China and give them a single /20 and tell 
> them to make do.  They're already behind a great firewall, so they should 
> have no problem using NAT with their citizens for easier restricting of 
> freedoms, and for the actual services they need to run, they can assign a 
> limited amount of static IP addresses for servers, and the rest NAT as well, 
> and port forward for specific services.
Probably not the biggest flaw in this plan, but:

Total number of RFC-1918 addresses: 18+ million.
Population of China: More than 1.325 billion.

I'll leave the other political aspects to others, but, the math simply doesn't 


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