On Friday 02 April 2010 06:14:33 pm Owen DeLong wrote:
> This is where Legacy vs. RIR becomes meaningful.  Legacy holders have
> no contractual obligation to return unused space.  RIR recipients, on the
> other hand, do.

Some legacy holders might, I imagine, be 'squatting' on that legacy space and 
are getting ready to 'sell' some to the highest bidder, generating who knows 
how much revenue, if their agreement allows them to do so.

A few of those same legacy holders might even want to impede IPv6 uptake to 
make their /8 more valuable when the crunch comes.

Perhaps I'm too paranoid.  But I'm sure I'm not the first person to think of 
these possibilities (in my case, however, I have no legacy space, and wouldn't 
go that route even if I did).

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